The Conspiracy Theory Flowchart

The Conspiracy Theory Flowchart by Crispian Jago.

It is a ‘must have’ for Those Who Know!

It’s also a handy guide to The Hopelessly Uninformed.

Crispian's Conspiracy Flowchart(Click on image, then click again to get the full-blown tangle of theories!) 

The Truth is Out There! I Want to Believe.

Hats off to the amazing Crispian Jago. He’s my new hero!


Personal sidenote: I was recently invited to the home of some very dear friends. I love going there. Their generosity and hospitality to me over the years is truly overwhelming. During the evening, I had the rare opportunity (i.e. profound misfortune) of running into someone I’d met there once or twice before. This person holds a black belt in Conspiracy Theories. This person is convinced of their intellectual and moral superiority. This person is also an insufferable Know-It-All. This person is, in short, an colossal bore. I smiled. I nodded. I tried not to stick a fork into the person’s neck.

SOOOO… imagine by delight when I came across Crispian Jago’s invaluable chart this morning! I hope, my little geeks and nerdlings, that you have as much fun with it as I did!

Grammars Don’t Makes You Into Geekazoid

Grammars Don’t Makes You Into Geekazoid


Reblogged from the The Literal Loudmouth.


The Literal Loudmouth

    Oh dear almighty Father in heaven, may grammar like this title never appear again over the entire course of humanity. Not only does this phrase slander every known truth in the universe, including the commandment of not committing murder, it also is so offensive it would put The Ugly Stepsisters to shame. Please God, just eradicate these types of sentences from existence… In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    These are just one of the many prayers I must make every time I open my Internet Browser, because there are sentences like this plaguing the cybernetic world every single day. The internet has now become a place where we may publish these forsaken sentences onto the bowels of the internet history, and unfortunately, there will continually be the opportunity for many more to come. Comments on Youtube videos, facebook statuses, even blogs I admit… they become the grammatical battlefield, where in most cases…

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Gothic Charm School

Gothic Charm School.


You may not tell a book by its cover… but the title sure can give you a giggle. 🙂


Asylum Attendant


Is this my very first book review? I think it might just be. It seems fitting for my first to be the informative and adorable Gothic Charm School by Jillian Venters. Complete with gothy makeup tips, badass illustrations (by the author’s talented husband), and great advice for Goths (and everyone else, really), this book was an enjoyable read. It even confirmed my suspicion that I was a Goth, too! (Sidenote: I once was that person who was too special and awesome to be tied down with labels. Nowadays, I happily embrace them. Maturity is a funny thing.)

I will be shamelessly honest in saying I was drawn to this book because the title reminded me of one of my favorite crappy reality TV shows. The difference is, Gothic Charm School is full of class and Rock of Love: Charm School was full of…trash. (I believe being a stripper/porn star was…

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Maila Nurmi – Vampira!

I was going through the most excellent articles over at The Eye of Faith {Vintage} blog when I came across the image of a lovely young lady…


(A very young Maila Nurmi)

I doubt many of you would recognize this girl as she looked in her younger years.

You’re probably more familiar seeing her like this…

vampira-01(Maila Nurmi as Vampira)

Yes, Maila Nurmi played the legendary character Vampira.

vampira-02(Check out that waistline!!)

Dark, lovely, creepy…  her character Vampira quickly became a cult classic.


Vampira is a kind of entity (and you can call her a woman though she is androgynous) that survives in this world. I, Maila Nurmi, am not.”  –  Maila Nurmi


Maila Nurmi [December 11, 1922 – January 10, 2008]

Requiescat In Pace


LWC & I Invade Comic-Con (Part 2)!

As I confessed in my previous blog article, until this past Sunday I have never attended any Comic-Con event ever.

All that changed when my trusty superhero sidekick LWC and I entered Comic-Con Niagara Falls 2013!


LWC had the good sense to bring her own backup forces! [1]

CCNF-22-cu(LWC happy to be at Comic-Con!)

Her gang, all of whom are comic-book superhero fans, loved the vendors and the merchandize!

CCNF-03-sm(One of my personal favourites!)

There were cars…

CCNF-12-sm(The TV Batmobile!)

And stars…

CCNF-09-cu(A blurry Adam West – He’s a lot faster than you’d think!)

And more stars…

CCNF-11-cu(No Close-Up for You!)

But my personal all-time favourite thing at Comic-Con was the Cosplay!

CCNF-04-sm(Well there’s something you don’t see every day!)

Some were intricate and well executed…

CCNF-18-sm(Spent time talking with this girl and the costume’s creator!)

Some were superhero sexy…

CCNF-23-sm(Colour me patriotic!)

Some were destabilizingly hot…

CCNF-14-sm(O… M… G!)

Some were Steampunk!

CCNF-08-sm(Where’s Jules Verne when you really need him?)

And some were…

CCNF-07-sm(Naughty girl!)

Harley Quinn…

CCNF-02-sm(Harley and friends!)

Harley Quinn…

CCNF-10-sm(Modern Harley!)

Harley Quinn…

CCNF-19-sm(Casual Harley!)

Harley Quinn…

CCNF-05-sm(“Hi, it’s me. Enough with the Harley Quinn photos, already!”)

These girls were a riot…

CCNF-16-sm(Yea, team!)

Even saw a Cosplay Agent Romanoff (Black Widow) kick some serious butt!

CCNF-13-sm(3 seconds later, this guy was on the floor!)

However, the Comic-Con Niagara Falls 2013 award for Best Costume Ever goes to…

CCNF-15-sm(Hmmm… I think there may have been a bit of election vote-rigging here!)

Well… let’s just say that there have been calls for a recount.

All in all, a good time was had by everyone.

Next stop…


Fan Expo Canada 2013!!


[1] Backup forces consisted of her husband and four sons!

Rinxiety: HypoVibroChondria… or merely a Fauxcellarm?

Do you suffer from Rinxiety? [1]


How about Phantom Ring Effect (or Phantom Ringing)Phantom Vibration Syndrome, Vibranxiety,  HypoVibroChondria or Fauxcellarm?


All of the above terms describe the sensation and the false belief that one can hear his or her mobile phone ringing or feel it vibrating, when in fact the telephone is not doing so.

Phantom ringing may be experienced while taking a shower, watching television, or using a noisy device. Humans are particularly sensitive to auditory tones between 1,000 and 6,000 hertz, and basic mobile phone ringers often fall within this range. This frequency range can generally be more difficult to locate spatially, thus allowing for potential confusion when heard from a distance.


False vibrations are less well understood, however, and could have psychological or neurological sources.

With me, Phantom Ringing happens most often when I am driving and listening to the radio. Many times, I check to see if my cell phone is ringing/vibrating (I have it set on both ring and vibrate).

About 80% of the time, it is merely a Fauxcellarm. In fact, yesterday I was in my car listening to a program about Rinxiety when it happened! Very strange.

Is this VibraSchtick new? Am I riding a 21st century phantom fad? Hardly!

Nikola-Tesla(Tesla – Where are you now that we need you most?)

Nikola Tesla knew something that many of his contemporaries in the late 1800s either did not know, or chose to ignore.  He knew that with the amazing power of electricity and current, came an incredible capacity for danger.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA(If Tesla had invented the cell phone)

Sadly, because studying our own health has taken such a back seat to technological advances, we could very well be causing our own issues. What if Phantom Vibration Syndrome (or Vibranxiety) isn’t actually a neurological problem, but rather, the result of a very real physical ailment?  How tragic it would be to know that by using even the tiniest of devices, we’re killing ourselves.

Tesla wouldn’t approve, but then, I don’t think he’d be surprised.

And will someone PLEASE answer that phone?


Ringxiety is a portmanteau neologism formed from the words “ringtone” and “anxiety.” It was first coined by David Laramie, a doctoral student at the California School of Professional Psychology, whose dissertation concerned the effects of cell phones on behavior.

The Twilight Saga – BREAKING DAWN (Part 2): The Fifth Level of Hell

At last... It’s finished. It’s done.

Our long national nightmare is finally over!

Last night, I watched the last… oh Lord, that word never tasted so good in my mouth… The Last Installment of The Twilight Movie Saga – BREAKING DAWN (Part 2)!

breakingdawn_part2[The Twilight Saga – BREAKING DAWN (Part 2) DVD cover]

I suffered through those five movies… a dozen or so hours of my life that I can never get back… and now it is finished.

OK, here’s the deal… Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy and nine or so other actresses who portray Renesmee as she grows up), the half-human half-vampire child of Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) is maturing at an alarming rate. In a matter of a few months, she grows from infant to about 9 years old.

Mayhem ensues when… The Volturi [1] find out about Renesmee. To them, she is an abomination and must be destroyed. Aro (Michael Sheen) and Jane (Dakota Fanning) are particularly enthusiastic about killing the Cullen tot.

My two cents… For all my whining and whinging, Breaking Dawn (Part 2) is not awful. It’s not great but it definitely not dreadful. Unless you’re already a fan of the Twilight Saga, don’t bother seeing this movie. But if you are already a fan, you will probably find Breaking Dawn (Part 2) the best of the bunch.

Bottom line… Not as wretched as I thought it would be.


[1] The Volturi are the largest, most ancient and most powerful coven of vampires. They enforce the laws of the vampire world. They equivalent of royalty in the vampire world.

I bought the BREAKING DAWN (Part 2) DVD!

I was making my way through the Zombie Serengeti (aka the Walmarts) yesterday, when I noticed the DVD version of Breaking Dawn (Part 2).


I bought one.

Hard as it is for me to believe, this is the last in the Twilight Saga movie franchise.

Our long national nightmare is over!

I suppose I will watch it soon. Probably next week.

Stay tuned!
