This is more like it! (5): Country Gate

Saw this and had to share it… and the haiku poem it inspired in me.



Sun low in the sky

A spectrum of autumn hues

Lonely country gate

I am at best a mediocre haiku poet… but I so love the style.

I try to write according to my own personal rules.

  • Each of the three stanzas must be capable of standing on its own (i.e. no splitting of one longer sentence into two or three stanzas);
  • There should be a reference to the seasons, nature or the elements.

This is for Susan, my poetic muse. I miss you.


Tiny Mouse

Those who know me appreciate that I am not overly into ‘cute’ stuff… except for my well-deserved reputation as being a Hello Kitty fanatic.

But when I saw this photo…


I just couldn’t resist!


My apologies for not being around as often as I usually am. I am in the process of editing my second book in The Great Dead North series (editing sucks, btw). I hope to the have the first two books published online and available for purchase next month both as downloads and print on demand. I am presently working on the third book in the series. Thank you so much for my readers and supporters, especially Kim, Jessica, Jenn and Joyce, for their constant encouragement.


Bug Kaleidoscope

Given my interest in Entomology and Arachnology, you can imagine how pumped I was when I saw the photo below first thing this morning!

It looks to me like a bug kaleidoscope

Kaleidescope(Image: Fleur Alston)

Spring is here. Can the creepy crawlers be far off?



Pluviophile:  Someone who loves rain; one who finds pleasure in rainy days; yours truly.


The fear of rain would be pluviophobia.

This is my word of the day!

Thanks, hugs & kisses to the incomparable Wendy McIntyre for passing this photo along to me.

You are, as always, the best!


The 3 S’s… Star. Smile. Strong!

Broadway Danny Rose’s 3 S’s… Star. Smile. Strong!

mantis-dance(© Hasan Baglar)

“If you take my advice, I think you’re going to become one of the great preying mantis dance acts of all time. Really.”


The Sony World Photography Awards.